Saturday, May 14, 2011

Tanner ( Mickey Mouse )

This one goes out to a nephew that likes Mickey Mouse.  We went with a Mickey at the beginning and end, with solid colors outlined in black.  This sign also marks a new font style for us.  We hope it is a big hit when Tanner gets it.


  1. thank you sooo much! i know he will like it! you should get fb! i have posted pics and a link to your website and have had ppl asking me about them! i will definitley order more and get all my friends and family who needs a special present for a child to order one also! thanks again and it was awesome! i know he will like it! you do a really great job!

  2. He will love it believe me he goes crazy for Mickey Mouse we watch it 24-7 can't wait for him to see it, thanks from Tanner's grandma
