Monday, December 26, 2011

Julien (Mickey Mouse)

We are offering a few signs through EBay and this is our first one sold.  This fun Mickey Mouse sign is for a soon to be here grandson.  The sign was shipped all the way to Maryland. 

Friday, December 23, 2011


One of our repeat customers wanted a unique, classy, and elegant sign for her mother for Christmas.  Together, we collaborated to chose an Edwardian font, flowers, and scroll pattern in blue to create this sign.  We attached a sheer white ribbon for hanging the sign.  Merry Christmas, Tanya!

Natalie (ballerina)

A repeat customer came back to us a baby sign for her sister-in-law.  Natalie's sign was designed to match her Percale Ballerina bedding.  We used a Curlz-based font, alternating the colors of the ballerina's tutus.  We added a hand-made pair of ballet slippers at the end, and three mini-tutus around the N, t, and l, and the sign was complete!  Our congratulations go out to the new mom-to-be!


Kylie is a sixteen year old who loves the throwback generation.  This sign used a groovy beatnik font, rafta colors, and elephants~ definitely a unique combination.  We truly hope that it is exactly what she wanted.

Finished sign

Sketch to get it all started

Taylor (Runescape)

This particular sign request was fun to work on, but it certainly did stretch us beyond our realm of typical signs.  Welcome to the world of Runescape!  It took us a few trials, but hopefully the final product is something Taylor, a 13 year old gaming fan, enjoys and we hope that he recognizes the elements of his game in the sign. 

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Ashlend and Mary (Duke and KU basketball)

Two signs for two sisters this Christmas!  Mary cheers on our local favorite, KU, while Ashlend is a die hard Duke fan.  On top of this, we spotted an OSU sweatshirt in the family!  We're sure that March brings plenty of madness in this household.  ;)  We hope that everybody likes their signs.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ryon's sign (Winnie the Pooh personalized name sign)

Christian's grandmother really liked her sign, so she decided it would be the perfect gift for a special former's student's first baby.  We used a font based on Curlz and added Winnie the Pooh- perfect for a precious new baby girl!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Cocktail Hour! (custom made kitchen sign, wooden kitchen sign)

Somebody contacted us to make a sign for her sister, something very special for a birthday.  After many emails back and forth, the result was a unique Cocktail Hour sign for the kitchen!  We were able to include a couple of favorite drinks- sangria and a cosmo, along with a wine bottle.  Thanks for collaborating on a fun and different sign.  :)

one of many drawings

The final sign, all done!